Health is Wealth, Peace of Mind is Happiness, Yoga Shows the Way
-- H. H. Swami Vishnu-devananda
Inquire "Who Am I", Know Thy Self, and Be Free
-- H.H. Swami Sivananda
न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते
na hi jñānena sadṛśaṁ pavitram iha vidyate
There is nothing as purifying in this world as knowledge
- - Bhagavad Gita 4.38
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Vishnu-devananda Yoga Vedanta Center – Sivananda Tradition

Intermediate Yoga and Meditation Course

Sundays 9:30 – 11:00 AM


Yoga is a complete system, as it is designed to balance body, energy and mind, it offers tools for coping in a balanced, stress-free way with life, it shows us ways of understanding ourselves deeply, and it helps us find our center. With a little effort and regular practice, one receives many benefits.

Whoever you are and whatever is your life-style, incorporating some yoga practice into your daily life can do wonders!

Fee: $100

Pre-registration Required

To register and pay the course fees online, use the PayPal button below

Beginners Yoga Course


Yoga asanas and pranayama – for balancing body, energy and mind, stress reduction, increased awareness, and a wonderful preparation for meditation. Step-by-step instruction for beginners. We will cover the basics of yoga Asana and Pranayama practice and relaxation techniques, as well as guidance for establishing and refining one’s personal practice.

Introduction To Sanskrit Grammar

Tuesday 5 – 6 PM

This course gives fundamental knowledge of basic concepts of Sanskrit grammar, such as verb conjugations, noun declensions, use of pronouns and adjectives, case and gender. Upon completion, you will be able to construct hundreds of simple sentences in Sanskrit and will understand much of the language’s structure.

Pre-requisite – ability to read and write Devanagari

Vedanta Dindima - The Drumbeat of Vedanta (Online)

Thursdays 6 – 7:15 PM
Starting September 26, 2024

In older times, when a loud drumbeat was heard in the village, the people would gather with much inquisitiveness to hear the king’s proclamation. They listened closely, as it had a great impact upon their lives. Similarly, in a series of terse verses composed by Adiguru Sankaracarya, Vedanta Dindima proclaims the timeless truths of Upanishads, which boldly claim that that which is behind each each individual is the one universal consciousness, and that in essence all differences we experience are superficial. The clearer this vision becomes, the smoother one glides through the ups and downs of life.


Email us at to register. Following the tradition of Vedantic teaching, these classes are free of charge. Donations are optional.

Bhagavad Gita (Online And In-Person)

Sundays 8 to 9:15 AM

The Bhagavad Gita is a unique scripture, which teaches both yoga and Vedanta. It offers guidance for living a balanced life while performing our duties and facing all types of situations. The Gita also helps the aspirant gain a clear understanding of his or her own Self, the limitless consciousness. We will take “deep-dive” into these teachings and their application and implications in our lives.


Email us at to register. Following the tradition of Vedantic teaching, these classes are free of charge. Donations are optional.

Retreat Day – Bhakti, The Yoga Of Devotion

Sunday March 3, 2024

All yearn to love, as pure love is the fragrance of the Divine. In worldly love, there’s a mixture of expectation, attachment, sentiment, and love, hence we get some comfort – along with pain and disappointment. Bhakti is developing love for the Supreme, the one presence which is in and through each living being, within every drop of the creation, and beyond all limitations. By recognizing this unwavering presence in all – as well as in your own heart, one finds solace from life’s trials and gains the means of Jnana, clear understanding that I am no other than That.


  • 7:45 - 9:15 AM

    Meditation, Chanting,Introduction

  • 9:30 - 11:15 AM

    Yoga Asana and Pranayama Class

  • 11:30 AM

    Sattvic Vegetarian Lunch

  • 1:00 - 2:00 PM

    Ishavasyam Idam Sarvam - Seeing the Divine in One and All

  • 2:15 - 2:45 PM

    Mantra chanting and meditation

  • 3:00 - 4:00 PM

    Finding the Divine Presence in One's Own Heart

  • 4:15 - 4:30 PM

    Sharing and Conclusion

Intermediate Yoga and Meditation Course

Sundays 9:30 – 11:00 AM


Yoga is a complete system, as it is designed to balance body, energy and mind, it offers tools for coping in a balanced, stress-free way with life, it shows us ways of understanding ourselves deeply, and it helps us find our center. With a little effort and regular practice, one receives many benefits.

Whoever you are and whatever is your life-style, incorporating some yoga practice into your daily life can do wonders!

Fee: $100

Pre-registration Required

To register and pay the course fees online, use the PayPal button below

Beginners Yoga Course


Yoga asanas and pranayama – for balancing body, energy and mind, stress reduction, increased awareness, and a wonderful preparation for meditation. Step-by-step instruction for beginners. We will cover the basics of yoga Asana and Pranayama practice and relaxation techniques, as well as guidance for establishing and refining one’s personal practice.

Introduction To Sanskrit Grammar

Tuesday 5 – 6 PM

This course gives fundamental knowledge of basic concepts of Sanskrit grammar, such as verb conjugations, noun declensions, use of pronouns and adjectives, case and gender. Upon completion, you will be able to construct hundreds of simple sentences in Sanskrit and will understand much of the language’s structure.

Pre-requisite – ability to read and write Devanagari

Mundaka Upanishad (Online)

Thursdays 6 – 7:15 PM

Mundaka is one of the major and most widely studied Upanishads, as it presents a clear and concise vision of the Ultimate Reality, which underlies the creation as well as you, the individual. The name of this Upanishad, namely “Munda” (head) “Kam” (Ananda or joy) signifies that one loses touch with one’s innate happiness by straying away from the center of one’s being, the Atman or consciousness, and one regains it by reconnecting to the Source. The Upanishad brings us back to our True Self by helping us understand that our essential nature is the Unlimited Universal Consciousness.


Email us at to register. Following the tradition of Vedantic teaching, these classes are free of charge. Donations are optional.

Bhagavad Gita (Online And In-Person)

Sundays 8 to 9:15 AM

The Bhagavad Gita is a unique scripture, which teaches both yoga and Vedanta. It offers guidance for living a balanced life while performing our duties and facing all types of situations. The Gita also helps the aspirant gain a clear understanding of his or her own Self, the limitless consciousness. We will take “deep-dive” into these teachings and their application and implications in our lives.


Email us at to register. Following the tradition of Vedantic teaching, these classes are free of charge. Donations are optional.

Retreat Day – Bhakti, The Yoga Of Devotion

Sunday March 3, 2024 7:45 AM to 4:30 PM

All yearn to love, as pure love is the fragrance of the Divine. In worldly love, there’s a mixture of expectation, attachment, sentiment, and love, hence we get some comfort – along with pain and disappointment. Bhakti is developing love for the Supreme, the one presence which is in and through each living being, within every drop of the creation, and beyond all limitations. By recognizing this unwavering presence in all – as well as in your own heart, one finds solace from life’s trials and gains the means of Jnana, clear understanding that I am no other than That.


  • 7:45 - 9:15 AM

    Meditation, Chanting,Introduction

  • 9:30 - 11:15 AM

    Yoga Asana and Pranayama Class

  • 11:30 AM

    Sattvic Vegetarian Lunch

  • 1:00 - 2:00 PM

    Ishavasyam Idam Sarvam - Seeing the Divine in One and All

  • 2:15 - 2:45 PM

    Mantra chanting and meditation

  • 3:00 - 4:00 PM

    Finding the Divine Presence in One's Own Heart

  • 4:15 - 4:30 PM

    Sharing and Conclusion

Our Students’ Experience

Gajananam is one of the best yoga teachers I have practiced with. He follows the Sivananda Yoga principles to balance the asanas with mediation and relaxation.
The yoga instructor here is such a nice person.
He is friendly, humble and very knowledgeable.
What I really like about his way of teaching is, that: he not
About the center:
This was the center where I got started into the yoga Asanas and Prana Yama for the first time. They also have other classes such as: